Travel grant: ESSReS PhD candidate Stefan Schreier was granted DAAD travel support

Stefan Schreier attended 2013’s Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco, USA. The conference took place from 9-13 December 2013 in the Moscone Center, which is located in the downtown area. The conference was visited by more than 20,000 Earth and space scientists and, thus, offered a good opportunity to meet people from international institutes and gain insights into their work. Stefan presented his work entitled “Estimation of NOx emissions from vegetation fires based on the empirical relationship between tropospheric NO2 and fire radiative power”. Stefan has successfully applied for the “Kongress- und Vortragsreisenprogramm” with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and received a travel grant. “Overall, the Fall Meeting was a very good experience. The financial support from DAAD and the University of Bremen is greatly acknowledged by the grant holder and ESSReS.

ESSReS Travel grant for Yufang Ye

Yufang Ye has succesfully applied for an ESSReS travel grant and is now staying at the Data Assimilation and Satellite Meteorology Section of Environment Canada. There, Yufang is working on the algorithm developed by Mohammed Shokr (Environment Canada Ice Concentration Extractor -- ECICE) to retrieve multiyear sea ice concentration and improve the results for certain critical conditions. Have a nice stay, Yufang!

ESSRes - Annual Retreat 2013

At the ESSReS annual retreat 2013 at Botanika Bremen the PhD candidates gave an overview on the current status of their research. In talks and poster sessions  supervisors and guests were given the possibility to follow-up on what the whole group had achieved during the last year.

To the Brocken with ESSReS

The “Earth System Science Research School” made a field trip to the Harz and has visited the Brocken (Northern Germany highest mountain, 1141 m) on the 30th of August 2013. After a bus trip from Bremen/Bremerhaven we started walking from the Schierke railway station to the Brocken summit.  On the way to the highest point on the Brocken we looked for the black crowberry, the butterfly Cranberry fritillary and the Viviparous lizard.  After reaching the summit we visit the Meteorological Station, had a nice and interesting time there (thank you to the DWD, Wetterwarte Brocken) and get back to Schierke on the Goethe hiking trail.

ESSReS travel grant to Davos for Stefanie Weißbach

Stefanie Weißbach, PhD candidate at AWI, applied for a travel grant to attend DACA, the Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly.

"From 7th to 12th of July 2013 I was in Davos in Switzerland for a conference of the Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly.
The conference addressed two groups of scientists- atmospheric and cryospheric ones. DACA was a medium sized conference with participants from all over the world but also with a family-like atmosphere.
It was an interesting experience to discuss my data also with participants from different fields of work.
Davos is located in the Swiss Alps and with an altitude of 1,560 m it is the highest city in Europe.
The landscape is very very beautiful- already the view from the window in the train was fabulous. We enjoiyed a short trip to Jacobshorn."

To Iceland with ESSReS

Robert Ricker, PhD candidate at the Alfred Wegener Institute, used an ESSReS travel grant to attend a science workshop in Iceland: " I attended a LIDAR Workshop from June 20 till June 21 2013 in Reykholt, Iceland. LIDAR means "Light detection and ranging". So the Workshop broached out the issue of laser altimetry, progress in techniques, and an gave an overview about ongoing processes. This was interesting for me as I also use laser scanner data for the validation of the CryoSat-2 satellite thickness retrieval, which is the main topic of my PhD project. In addition, the location and the atmosphere of this workshop were really nice which made it easy to talk to the other participants. It took place in the village Reykholt which is located 100 km north-east of Reykjavik. After the workshop I still had some time to discover the amazing landscape of Iceland. The impacts of vulcanism, glaciers and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which divides Iceland, are clearly visible and contribute to this manifold landscape."

International Summer School on Climate Change in the Marine Realm

In September 2012, ESSReS students Lars Beierlein and Johannes Sutter were involved in organising, preparing and running the International Summer School on Climate Change in the Marine Realm, which took place at the Wadden Sea Station in List on the island of Sylt and at the University of Bremen. During the two weeks, 40 students from 17 countries participated in a variety of lectures, laboratory work, practical seminars and excursions, discussing topics that ranged from the atmosphere to the deep ocean.

Summer School

10 days devoted to ice sheets and glaciers.

In September 2012 two students from ESSReS had the privilege to attend the 12th Karthaus summer school on "Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System". The School took place in the beautiful mountain valley Schnallstal in South Tyrol. The participants experienced an intense programme including lectures, exercises, student projects and an excursion to the Hintereisferner.

36 Participants (PhD students and PostDocs) from various domains of cryospheric research where tutored by 15 experts from the field. The school was a great success, broadening the knowledge of the students and giving a vivi environment for the exchange of ideas and networking with fellow scientists.

Both ESSReS students where fully supported by ESSReS traveling grants.

Online resources:
Karthaus Website
School of 2012 Website

International Summer School on Climate Change in the Marine Realm

In September 2012, ESSReS students Lars Beierlein and Johannes Sutter were involved in organising, preparing and running the International Summer School on Climate Change in the Marine Realm, which took place at the Wadden Sea Station in List on the island of Sylt and at the University of Bremen. During the two weeks, 40 students from 17 countries participated in a variety of lectures, laboratory work, practical seminars and excursions, discussing topics that ranged from the atmosphere to the deep ocean.

Travelling with ESSReS

Supported by ESSReS travel grants PhD students take part in workshops and conferences, for example in EGU Vienna 2012.

Field work on Finnish ice

Supported by ESSReS one of our students took part in a sea ice workshop in Finland.

Welcome and Good-bye to parting and newcoming ESSReS students

Three years of scientific cross-over to “bridge the gap between the sciences”, as ESSReS coordinator Klaus Grosfeld put it at the official celebration, move the 22 graduate students “somewhere in the wake of Alexander von Humboldt”, as ESSReS spokesman Gerrit Lohmann said.

Interdisciplinary courses, soft skill studies, excursions and stays at other institutions were part of the ESSReS programme. AWI director Karin Lochte and expressed her congratulations to the young people who had just finished their multidisciplinary studies. Annette Ladstädter-Weißenmeyer and Bernhard Kramer as representatives for the University of Bremen and Jacobs University stressed the meaning of collaboration across the institutions and across the sciences.

At the same time 24 young scientists from different fields were welcomed as the second ESSReS class. “Be prepared for the known, the unknown and the exotic. ESSReS is what you make of it”, said Jacqueline Krause-Nehring for the first ESSReS class. Achim Brauer from the Geoforschungszentrum  in his special lecture about climate changes recorded in lake sediments gave handy examples of applied sciences as an outlook onto the young people’s opportunities.

After a very warm good-bye to ESSReS coordinator Grosfeld and his wife Lucie the celebration shifted into a more informal gathering in the AWI foyer were opinions were then exchanged and expectations expressed.